Ghjancarlu Simeoni, Wednesday 27 June 2012 Leading In The App Store

We are very pleased and rather proud to announce that last week, the app climbed to the top of the free application rankings for iPhones in the App Store. The app is of course a GoodBarber application, hence our pride. For those who don’t know, ITespresso is a reference site for the latest information technology developments. We take this opportunity to congratulate to the team at NetMediaEurope . Wait no longer, download ITespresso in the App Store .
Ghjancarlu Simeoni, Thursday 21 June 2012

GoodBarber Summer Tour 2012 Has Begun!

This summer, we are launching a road show to meet with our current and potential users. Follow the hashtag #GoodBarberSummerTour2012 on Instagram and Twitter throughout the summer. Yesterday, Mathieu , Dumè and I have boarded at the port of Bastia, towards Rome. This is the first step of the #GoodBarberSummerTour2012. We're coming to meet with our users and with web and mobile professionals. Operation evangelization. At the moment, the summer program is as follows:      - Rome, June 21st and 22d      - Paris, July 4th and 5th      - London, July 31st and August 1st If other dates and venues are fixed, we will definitely let you know. Meanwhile, if you're around, book your agenda, we'd love to meet with you. You can reach us on Twitter @GoodBarber. #GoodBarberSummerTour2012
Written on Tuesday 12 June 2012

Operation Magnets Storm!

About a month ago, we sent more than 500 GoodBarber magnets with thank you postcards signed by the entire team to 12 different countries, on 4 continents, in the Atlantic (Caribbean) and Pacific (Polynesia). The target: our user community. Here’s a summary of the operation stages with no less than a month and a half for preparation: card design and production, sign each card by every team member (it’s not an easy task), purchase stamps for 3 different destinations (France, Europe, rest of the world), manual preparation of envelopes, and shipping.
Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 29 February 2012

MWC 2012 – Day Three, Focus On Devices

As promised, this morning I spent some time touring the booths in search of innovations. I also had the opportunity to play with the new devices and test the quality of the products. Note: it’s impossible to test all the devices at the show, so I made a selection. The vast majority of phones and tablets presented at the Mobile World Congress are Android devices. As usual with this system, there are high and low quality devices.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 28 February 2012

MWC 2012 – Day Two, Focus On Monetization

On the second day at MWC I had a little more time to converse with some exhibitors. It’s not possible to meet them all, or to describe them all (the exhibition catalog is 300 pages long!), so my visits were focused on application monetization services. I briefly describe three of the most interesting below.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 27 February 2012

MWC 2012 – Day One, First Impressions

If we were car manufacturers or a car dealership, our annual event would be the auto show. But at GoodBarber, we make mobile apps, and the big annual event happens in Barcelona. Barcelona is the Mobile World Capital (until 2017), so it's the city that hosts the annual Mobile World Congress, a huge event for mobile professionals. When we take a look, nearly all sectors are represented: from the antenna manufacturer or foundries, from the application developer, to the operators or device manufacturers.
GoodBarber Team, Monday 27 February 2012

GoodBarber at the Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona

Meet Dominique, our CEO, at the Mobile World Congress until Wednesday. GoodBarber participates in key events of the mobile and IT industry. After the 2011 “Mobile World Congress” a year ago in Barcelona, “Le Mobile 2.0” in Paris in March 2011, “LeWeb'11 ” last December in Paris, we are present at the “Mobile World Congress ” this year again. Finding an accommodation in Barcelona for this major event is not a easy. Dominique Siacci , our young and intrepid CEO, does not cease by so few. You will find him in the aisles of the MWC until Wednesday. Don’t hesitate to tweet @dsiacci or @good_barber , to track Dume Siacci on Foursquare. As for groupies, just write me, I would give you his personal phone number...
Dumè Siacci, Monday 30 January 2012

A Problem With Our Servers

Some of you have noticed that something was wrong yesterday, Sunday, January 29th. We experienced a temporary system failure. Last week, we conducted changes to our server architecture in order to replace some of the material. Some of the hard drives that we installed were unfortunately defective and caused a system breakdown. Four new Intel 600 Go SSD (5 year guarantee) were simultaneously lost Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The system can support a loss of two disks at a time. This failure has had little or no effect on existing customers, but it has led to the loss of all subscriptions since our last system backup. As a result, the accounts for subscriptions placed after Friday at 1:55 p.m. have been lost. The same goes for certain changes to existing accounts. In addition to GoodBarber, we host two other products: a CMS and a videosite platform . We guarantee 99.9% availability for both. These two products account for nearly 200 million monthly page views for just over 2,500 clients. These numbers imply a strong and secure system architecture. We run routine security audits, and data loss is not a customary occurrence… We’re aware of the potential impact that an event of this magnitude could have on you. We would greatly appreciate it if you went through the registration process again. We are here to help anytime via customer support.
Written on Friday 20 January 2012

GoodBarber spricht Deutsch!

GoodBarber’s back office is now available in German! Since the release of GoodBarber on November 14th, the Website was already available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. At that time, the back office was available in English, French and Italian.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 3 January 2012

Pace è Salute 2012

For 2012, the entire GoodBarber team would like to wish you peace and good health (pace è salute), as we say here in Corsica. We hope our user community continues to grow and that we can provide everyone 100% customer satisfaction. That’s the reason why we haven’t taken any time off throughout the holiday season. We aren’t rushing, but are working quickly to have a second version of GoodBarber available to you soon that will remove many kinks from the current mobile Internet. In the meantime, Happy New Year to everyone!
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 8 December 2011

GoodBarber at LeWeb’11

Since yesterday, Wednesday December 7, five evangelists of the native mobile technology have spread the word at LeWeb’11. Their creed: convincing all those who share their passion on the Web via a blog that they now have the opportunity to revolutionize their users’ experience. GoodBarber believes in the native technology because GoodBarber thinks bottom up: everything starts with the user. This is our paradigm.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 5 December 2011

GoodBarber, The Dream Becomes Reality! #2

Episode 2 – The Origin: 2009-2010 We will talk about GoodBarber’s adolescence in this next part of our 5 episode series regarding the history of GoodBarber. Before the company was even called GoodBarber, it had already affirmed an identity.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

Press Release – The Launching of GoodBarber

Today, November 14th 2011, GoodBarber has finally opened its doors. Software as a Service, 100% native apps, no programming, DIY, multi-platform capabilities, and a 100% industrialized system.   That’s the backbone of a technology that allows anyone to create his or her own native application. With GoodBarber, create professional quality apps and distribute them in the App Store (Apple), Android Market (Google) or Marketplace (Microsoft).   Attention bloggers, public figures, media, journalists, and news publishers: GoodBarber will amaze your readers. Popular French media, political figures and leading actors on the Web have already started using GoodBarber including: Marianne2, Gizmodo, ParisTech Review, AccessOWeb, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, etc.   You can find the whole press release from November 14, 2011 through this link .
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

GoodBarber, The Dream Becomes Reality! #1

Stage 1: An idea is born The opening of GoodBarber to the public definitively marks the passage from handcraft age to industrial age, in regard to mobile applications. Join us each Monday for a series of 5 episodes that focus on the beginning stages of this content sharing service for mobile devices.